Share a sample from your latest work-in-progress, or read from your favorite published work, at the Annapolis Chapter’s open mic session on Wednesday, December 19 at 6:30 p.m. in Room 205 of Maryland Hall! Join MWA members who live and write in Annapolis and Anne Arundel County for this first-come, first-read event. Seasonal readings are of course welcome, but not required.
Come early — slots are limited! There will be a sign-up sheet at the table, and we’ll go down the list until we run out of time (or readers, whichever comes first). Please be prepared to read for about ten minutes — that’s about four or five short poems, a couple of long poems, a short-short story, or a scene from a longer work. We want to make sure that everyone who signs up has time to read.
And please be sure to tell your friends and family. Open mics are a great opportunity for writers to practice reading their work in front of an audience, which is an important skill for every writer to develop. MWA open mics traditionally offer a friendly, relaxed, and encouraging atmosphere that will put even the most nervous reader at ease.
The meeting is open to the public and free to MWA members and first-time guests. All others may pay $5.00. Annual dues to MWA are $40.00 and include other benefits on top of monthly attendance. MWA meetings meet the third Wednesday of every month in room 205 at Maryland Hall. For more information visit: