Video from Nancy Smay’s talk
slides (pdf): smay_AgentPresentation_2013-10-17 slides (power-point): smay_AgentPresentation_2013-10-17
slides (pdf): smay_AgentPresentation_2013-10-17 slides (power-point): smay_AgentPresentation_2013-10-17
Part 1: Part 2:
Video from the terrific August 2013 talk by Vonnie Crist:
For members who would like to do plan out their schedule, this is a list of the speakers we have lined up: August 21, 2013 – Vonnie Crist, announcement September 18, 2013 – Sarah Pinsker, announcement October 16, 2013 – Nancy Smay, announcement November 20, 2013 – Daniel McInerny, announcement…
I had to cut off the last question from the audience in part 2 for technical reasons (that part of the clip got corrupted somehow). Also, the wireless mic batteries died midway, and so the audio in the second part isn’t as nice as in the first part. Sorry about…
At the chapter meeting on 19 June, Kathleen “Kat” Spitzer was elected to succeed past president Rolf Renner. Sally M. Whitney succeeds past Treasurer Julie Coleman. David Barker takes over as Secretary from Kat Spitzer, and David Joyner fills the post of Program Chair vacated by Paul Harrell.
Part 1: [vimeo w=500&h=281] Laura Shovan speaker to the Annapolis MWA, part 1 from wdj on Vimeo. Part 2: [vimeo w=500&h=281] Laura Shovan speaker to the Annapolis MWA, part 2 from wdj on Vimeo.
Local author and musician Sarah Pinsker has agreed to speak at the Annapolis Chapter meeting of the Maryland Writers’ Association on Wednesday September 18, 2013. Her talk is entitled “What Being a Touring Musician Taught Me About Writing & Selling Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Literary Fiction”. The meeting is open…
The next meeting of the Annapolis chapter, on June 19th with poet Laura Shovan as our speaker, will be preceeded by a quick vote for new chapter officers. The following positions have no volunteers (yet) who have said they will definitely run for them: chapter secretary and chapter press+media contact….