Book signing at Hard Bean, Annapolis city dock, with Gary Garth McCann
Videos from Craig Schenning’s August 2014 talk
With profuse apologizes for the audio problems, here are the videos : part 1: Craig Schenning’s August 2014 talk to the Annapolis MWA, part 1 from wdj on Vimeo.
November 2014 speaker at the Annapolis MWA – Harrison Demchick
Pics from Ally Machate’s July talk
Videos from Michael Hughes’ June 2014 talk
October 2014 speaker at the Annapolis MWA – James Gossard
Local screenwriter, playwright and fiction writer, James Gossard, will speak to the Annapolis chapter of the MWA on October 15th, at 6:30pm. Jim will be speaking about the differences between narrative expression and screenwriting. His talk will include a discussion of subplots and subtext and how they work in film….
Videos from Yvonne Medley’s talk May 21, 2014
September 2014 meeting with Tom Glenn
Video and a few pics from the 2014 Maryland Writers Conference

The organizers did a great job with the 2014 Maryland Writers’ Association Conference. Here are a few pics. MWA President Paul Lagasse doing introductions for the keynote talk: Screenwriter/novelist/journalist Rafael Alvarez giving his keynote address: Rafael Alvarez at a book signing: Video of the keynote address: Video of the masterclass: