February 2014 meeting of the Annapolis MWA – Randy Baker

Local playwright, director and educator Randy Baker has agreed to speak at the Maryland Writers Association Annapolis Chapter meeting on Wednesday February 19, 2014. The speaker is the co-Artistic Director of Rorschach Theatre, is on the faculty of American University, as well as the National Conservatory of Dramatic Arts, and…
April 2014 speaker at the Annapolis MWA – John DeDakis

Local author, journalist, editor and writing coach John DeDakis will speak at the Maryland Writers Association Annapolis Chapter meeting on Wednesday April 16, 2014. DeDakis, the author of three mystery-suspense novels, will speak on the topic “From Journalist to Novelist (Or How I Learned to Start Making it Up).” He’ll…
Future speakers
For members who would like to do plan out their schedule, this is a list of the speakers we have lined up: January 15, 2014 – Denise Camacho, announcement February 19, 2014 – Randy Baker, announcement in the works March 19, 2014 – Stephen Phillips, announcement in the works April…
Upcoming Annapolis writing workshops
We’re now taking registrations for Writer’s Center workshops at Maryland Hall for the Creative Arts, 801 Chase Street, Annapolis, Maryland. You can register for all Writer’s Center workshops at www.writer.org or call us at 301-654-8664. Turning Points: The Role of the Volta in Poetry Workshop Leader: Sue Ellen Thompson Saturday,…
January 2014 speaker at the Annapolis MWA – Denise Camacho
Annapolis MWA January Meeting With Denise Camacho Local book publisher Denise Camacho has agreed to speak at the Maryland Writers’ Association – Annapolis Chapter meeting on Wednesday January 15, 2014. She will speak on her experiences in starting a traditional publishing company and on the differences between traditional and indie…
Phil Burgess videos of his December 2013 talk.
December 2013 speaker at the Annapolis MWA – Phil Burgess
Video from Daniel McInerny’s talk
Part 1 (on comedy writing): Part 2 (on marketing your books):
April 2014 Annapolis MWA speaker: John DeDakis
We are very proud to announce that John DeDakis will speak to the Annapolis chapter of the MWA at our April, 2014 meeting. John was CNN Senior Copy Editor on “The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer” and is the author of two mystery-suspense novels. More details later!