Announcement for April 17 Annapolis MWA talk
Title: Turning Rejections Into Acceptances: Breaking Into Literary Journals to Build a Publishing History. Speaker: Sherry Audette Morrow Time+place: April 17 2013 at 6:30 p.m. in room 205 at Maryland Hall. Sherry Audette Morrow, founding editor of Scribble magazine, will share the editor’s perspective on the submission process and answers…
Maryland Writers’ Association chapter leader summit videos
The first Maryland Writers’ Association chapter leader summit was held March 10, 2013, at the Homewood Suites in Columbia, MD. This meeting served to allow MWA chapter leaders to hear from state board members, mingle with fellow chapter leaders and brainstorm ideas.The first part had introductions by President Paul Lagasse,…
Video of David Read Barker’s Talk
Here is the video of David’s talk on February 20:
Video of Justin Sirois’ talk
Here is the video of Justin Sirois’ talk on January 16th. Thank you Justin for the great presentation!
December 2012 meeting – open mike
New MWA president and vice-president

The Board of the Maryland Writers’ Association announced today that the Annapolis chapter’s own Paul Lagasse and Carolee Noury, from the Montgomery County chapter, are the new President and Vice President, respectively, in a special election following the resignation of the previous President, Jim Heimberg. Congratulations to both! For more…
Annapolis MWA March 2013 meeting, with Julie Colman
Julie Coleman’s book, Unexpected Love: God’s Heart Revealed through Jesus’ Conversations with Women, was released by Thomas Nelson Publishers in February 2013. Thomas Nelson is the largest Christian publisher in the world and sixth largest American trade publisher. Unexpected Love is available at Sam’s Club, Barnes and Noble, Books a Million, and Christian…
Read Your Work at MWAA’s December 19th Open Mic!
Share a sample from your latest work-in-progress, or read from your favorite published work, at the Annapolis Chapter’s open mic session on Wednesday, December 19 at 6:30 p.m. in Room 205 of Maryland Hall! Join MWA members who live and write in Annapolis and Anne Arundel County for this first-come, first-read event….