Thinking about other ways to make an income from your writing? Interested in being a part of book projects that can change lives? Join us at 7 pm on Wednesday, February 21 to meet a nationally bestselling ghostwriter and learn a little more about this “under the radar” writing field,…
Got an inconvenient corpse in your book that someone needs to dispose of? What about one that has turned up and needs to be investigated? Or perhaps a character that just begs to be offed in an interesting way? Whether you are writing mystery, thriller, suspense, crime procedural, or a…
Most aspiring authors have a ton of questions about what it takes to get a book-length project published. Now is your chance to ask all those questions of three debut authors whose books have come out in the last year. Join MWA members Lisa Hillman, Ted Weber, and Sally Whitney,…
This is always a crowd favorite, so be a part of the fun and excitement — start practicing now! Andrew McDowell reads from his upcoming novel, Mystical Greenwood, at the 2016 MWA Annapolis Open Mic Night. Join us on Wednesday, 18 October at 7:00 p.m. for open mic night. (Well,…