Chapter Secretary, Andrew McDowell, will be the guest speaker at the Baltimore chapter. He will be presenting his topic, The Importance of Names, on February 27, 2020, at 9836 Greenside Dr, Cockeysville, MD 21030-5006. If you missed this presentation when he spoke at the Annapolis chapter meeting, here is your chance to benefit from Andrew’s insight.
Event Description:
How much thought do you give to the names in your story? Names evoke feelings and images, and help make stories come alive. Andrew McDowell discusses the importance of selecting (and creating) names for fictional characters, settings, and other elements of your stories. He’ll walk through key factors to consider, including genre, setting, and character profiling such as ethnic and religious backgrounds, as well as ways to make sure names are easy to pronounce and distinguishable from one another to avoid character confusion.
Andrew McDowell is the author of the novel Mystical Greenwood, which was a finalist in the 2019 American Fiction Awards for Epic/High Fantasy. In addition to fiction, he writes poetry and creative nonfiction. He won second place in the 2014 MWA literary contest for his essay on his experiences with Asperger syndrome, and is an associate nonfiction editor for the literary magazine JMWW. Visit his website and blog at andrewmcdowellauthor.com to learn more about him and his writing.