It’s hard enough to get words on the page—but then you have to get your work in front of agents, editors and readers. Whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert, the process can be daunting, and the etiquette expectations opaque and confusing. In this session, we’ll talk about some of the critical principles of being a bold, respectful writer in the public sphere, both in-person and online. We’ll cover tips on how to read your work in front of others, network and pitch—and practice fearlessly getting yourself out there as a writer!
Meg Eden’s work is published or forthcoming in magazines including Prairie Schooner, Poetry Northwest, Crab Orchard Review, RHINO and CV2. She teaches creative writing at Anne Arundel Community College. She is the author of five poetry chapbooks, the novel “Post-High School Reality Quest” (2017), and the forthcoming poetry collection “Drowning in the Floating World” (2020). She runs the Magfest MAGES Library blog, which posts accessible academic articles about video games. Find her online at www.megedenbooks.com or on Twitter at @ConfusedNarwhal.