There will be no meeting on Wednesday, 20 December.

Laura Shovan leads a “Bullet Journaling” workshop on 12/16.
In place of our normal monthly meeting, we’ll instead be visiting the Eastport-Annapolis Neck library on Saturday, 16 December from 2:00-4:00 p.m. to participate in a Bullet Journaling workshop with Laura Shovan. Laura is the Maryland State Arts Council Artist-in-Residence in Poetry, the author of The Last Fifth Grade of Emerson Elementary (Wendy Lamb Books/Random House), and the host of the popular Howard County-based Wilde Readings reading series.
Here’s how she describes the workshop: “First draft finished but struggling to stay on track with revisions? Heard about bullet journaling but a little overwhelmed? Come learn how to use bullet journal techniques to help organize your revision notebook. I’ll share different methods I’ve used to organize my revisions and give you the tools to set up your own revision journal for your work in progress. This is a free hands-on workshop. Please bring a notebook and pens/pencils/markers. Be ready to brainstorm!”
Address: Eastport-Annapolis Neck Library, 269 Hillsmere Drive, Annapolis, MD 21403
Phone: 410-222-1770