Tag: Fiction Writing
Video from Stephen Phillips’ talk on 2014-03-19
July 2014 meeting with Ally Machate
You’ve experienced the satisfaction of working hard to learn your craft and producing a quality piece of writing—but now what? If you ever want anyone to read your work outside of your immediate circle of family and friends, you’ll need to get published. Ally Machate, an award-winning editor and bestselling…
Video from Randy Baker’s talk on 2014-02-19
The title of his wonderful talk was “The monsters under the writers’ bed”. Notes to his talk are here:http://nerdymovie.blogspot.com/2014/02/the-monsters-under-writers-bed-notes-of.html
June 2014 speaker at the Annapolis MWA – Michael Hughes
May 2014 speaker at the Annapolis MWA – Yvonne Medley
Local author and journalist Yvonne Medley has agreed to speak at the Maryland Writers Association Annapolis Chapter meeting on Wednesday May 21, 2014. She will speak on how to create the voice and vibe of your characters as well as the pros and cons of traditional publishing vs. self-publishing, her…
Denise Camacho videos of her January 2014 talk
March 2014 meeting of the Annapolis MWA – Stephen Phillips
April 2014 speaker at the Annapolis MWA – John DeDakis
Local author, journalist, editor and writing coach John DeDakis will speak at the Maryland Writers Association Annapolis Chapter meeting on Wednesday April 16, 2014. DeDakis, the author of three mystery-suspense novels, will speak on the topic “From Journalist to Novelist (Or How I Learned to Start Making it Up).” He’ll…
Upcoming Annapolis writing workshops
We’re now taking registrations for Writer’s Center workshops at Maryland Hall for the Creative Arts, 801 Chase Street, Annapolis, Maryland. You can register for all Writer’s Center workshops at www.writer.org or call us at 301-654-8664. Turning Points: The Role of the Volta in Poetry Workshop Leader: Sue Ellen Thompson Saturday,…